Diversity & Inclusion

Created by WEBTECHOPS LLP from the Noun Project

We value diversity and inclusion

Psychology is a field that seeks to understand ALL people. But psychology, like all human endeavors, is not free of bias: much of psychological research over the last century has prioritized certain human perspectives and experiences over others. In this course, we will strive to recognize this bias when we see it, and to improve our course materials over time to address the greater diversity of human experience. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Additionally, this course will cover topics that deal with many real-world tensions, controversies, and issues. The instructors and teaching fellows are committed to fostering an inclusive environment for students of all backgrounds and providing a “trusting space” for learning in which students can feel comfortable taking risks in their thinking while knowing they will have the support of their instructors and learning community. Our intent is to present the course material and facilitate discussions in a format and manner that is respectful to the diversity of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, ability, culture, religion, and socioeconomic status of all students.